
Monday, May 3, 2010

Illustrated Movement

While researching some images for my journal / concept, I came across some great illustrations that were designed for the 1984 Olympic Winter Games in Yugoslavia.

I particularly enjoy the way the images emit a sense of movement rather than looking at a still shot of a photographed athlete. You can really feel the athelete's struggle. The last image is also reflective of my design concept of the super human athlete by somewhat resembling the superhero Ironman blasting through the sky.

The illustrations were promotional artworks that were used as part of the Games. Unfortunately I was unable to find who they were by! The book I found them in was called The Olympic Image: The First 100 Years, which are a collection of graphic images that were designed for every Olympic Games since the first Games in Athens in 1896.

Might use them as an inspiration for my colour pallette :)

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